Participation or collaborations into other artistic projects
Theater music performance, Direction by Belle SmeetsMusic by Rafaele Andrade (2022)Antigone
Theater performance, Direction by Miranda Music by Setareh Sarifi, Alfian Arya and Rafaele Andrade (2022)Within Without
Theater music performance, Nick Verstand & Salvador BreedMusic by Salvador Breed (2021)Hauser
Theater performance, Direction by Carolina CesconettoMusic by Setareh Sarifi, Alfian Arya and Rafaele Andrade (2022)Musicals OMPFAP
Orchestra directionMusic by Rafaele Andrade (2012)Haja o que houver
Theater performance, Direction by Lucas CardosoMusic by Rafaele Andrade (2013)Thelema
Film, Direction by Rodrigo FreitasMusic by Rafaele Andrade (2012)Dead zones
Film, Direction by Suzette BousemaMusic by Rafaele Andrade (2023)Lion-ness (2022)
LION-NESS is an interactive theatre production offering to its audience the experience of understanding and interacting with actors and musicians the extreme sides of feminism. Its storyline is based on historical references, such as Valerie's Solanas manifesto (SCUM) and the pop culture related to it. This piece is designed to be preferably performed in an abandoned place, where the interaction with an open space becomes its main scenario, emerging its audience to feel part and inside this world.
Music: Rafaele Andrade
On the 5th of February 2022, we will be presenting a multimedia opera “Antigone’s of the pandemic: a Cerimony of hope” at Amsterdam Westkerk. We are collaborating with amazing musicians from Latin America, India , Indonesia and Mexico and sharing stories of people in times of pandemic.
Music: Rafaele Andrade, Alfian Aryan, Setareh Nasifi
Within Without (2021)
Speciaal voor Carré bracht kunstenaar Nick Verstand een onwaarschijnlijk ensemble bij elkaar voor een live-performance die zijn weerga niet kent. WITHIN WITHOUT neemt je mee in een trance van electronica, zang en visuele elementen die je zintuigen overspoelt. Het spektakelstuk is een ring van licht die neerdaalt op het podium temidden van een knappe lichtinstallatie. Optische illusies en het spel tussen licht en geluid maken van WITHIN WITHOUT een intense ervaring.
Music: Salvador Breed
Hauser (2019)
Direction: Carolina Cesconetto
Music: Rafaele Andrade
Haja o que houver (2015)
Direction: Lucas Cardoso